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St Vincent de Paul Primary School, 167 Ligonniel Rd, Belfast


Welcome to our P4 class page

Class teachers:

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday - Mrs Dunlop

Thursday and Friday  - Mrs Wright

Classroom Assistant - Mrs Calvin

PE Days: Tuesday, Thursday and Friday

Dinner Money: £2.60 per day


Our World Around Us topics are:

  • Birds
  • World War Two
  • Weather
  • What a Waste
  • Portadown


19th Jun 2024
5th Jun 2024
5th Jun 2024
We have been studying the story of ‘Jacqueline Hyde’ in our Literacy...

Latest Photographs


Class Photograph



Topmarks Daily 10
An activity to
help improve
ability to
complete mental
maths sums
within a given
Helping your child with maths / nidirect
This is
information to
help you help
your child with