Access Keys:

St Vincent de Paul Primary School, 167 Ligonniel Rd, Belfast


2014/2015 School Year

4th Jun 2015
On Thursday 4th June P6 and 7 visited the Share Centre for the day. We had lots...
2nd Jun 2015
On Friday 29th May P7 went to W5 in Belfast. We had loads of fun playing Laser Tag...
14th May 2015
On Wednesday we had a very interesting visit from a birds of prey expert, we really...
29th Apr 2015
P6 cycle training got off to a good start today.  Twelve members from P6 are...
27th Apr 2015
Over the coming weeks P6/7 will be receiving PDMU lessons from Jeannie Graham on...
23rd Apr 2015
On Wednesday 22nd April we visited the Speedwell Trust. They had kindly organised...
23rd Apr 2015
As part of Literacy this week we have been looking at discussion texts. We have been...
13th Apr 2015
P2 had a visit from Cancer Focus and Genevieve the Goat who taught the boys and...
26th Mar 2015
The final amount is a result of P7's fitness themed week, £184.50...
25th Mar 2015
Zoe brought her chicks into school to show the class. They are only a few weeks...